Stéphanie Heckman’s Talk – Key Lessons
Stéphanie Heckman, a graphic recorder and visual communicator and one of our Hill St residents gave a wonderful talk earlier this month. Sharing her creative journey with her business and some tips and insights for other creatives starting their own business in NI.
Here are some of the main things I learnt from Stephanie’s talk!
1. Think Big
Stéphanie spoke of the importance of being bold and brave and ambitious. She wanted to work for the UN at the COP conferences, annual global conferences where world leaders gather to work together on solutions to tackle climate change. This was a big ambition and took a lot of confidence and a lot of work to make happen. Stéphanie spoke of her vision and goal and how she went about making it happen, including hours of research and hundreds of emails as well as working for free at an initial event.
2. Be Strategic
One of the main things I took away from Stéphanie’s talk was the value of being strategic, before you start your creative business and on an ongoing basis once you have started.
- Before you start – Take time before starting your business to brainstorm different ideas, think about all of your skills, passions and life goals and put them all down on paper to help you establish and refine your creative idea and define your vision for your business.
- On an ongoing basis – Each year set aside time each year to set strategic goals for yourself and your creative business.
- About doing free work – Be strategic about doing work for free, it can be worthwhile if it will help you get a foot in the door. For example Stéphanie worked for free for the UN at an event, which helped her build relationships with the team and prove the value of her work and she was then invited back to do paid work in future years at similar events.
- About setting yourself financial goals – Stéphanie spoke of how she had to change her viewpoint on money through her creative journey. Money is essential to survive in life and she had to get comfortable thinking about and talking about money in order to start and grow her business. Following her husband’s advice she set herself realistic and achievable financial goals which she felt really helped her focus and be consistent with growing her business.
3. Be Your Own Best Boss
Stéphanie spoke of the importance of being your own best boss and how it’s important to:
- Be disciplined – know when to motivate yourself to get out of bed and get things done.
- Be kind to yourself – in how you speak to yourself and how you portray yourself and know when to take a step back and take a break to recharge your batteries.
- Know kour value – know your worth and value and be confident in yourself, in how you talk about yourself, present yourself and when discussing business and in particular money with clients.
4. Build Yourself A Community
Working as a freelancer can be quite lonely, so build yourself a community by joining groups, attending events or joining a studio or co-working space!
I am definitely going to try and be more strategic in 2025 and more bold and brave and think about how I talk about myself and Blick to myself and in public!