It Might Take Longer Than You think, But That Doesn’t Mean it Won’t Work
From 15 years observing creatives on their creative journey it takes longer than most people think to be financially sustainable and confident of long term success. It usually seems to take about 5 years and certainly that was true for us at Blick.
During that time, most people change direction in some way during the process as part of their creative journey, with many ending up doing something completely different. It’s completely normal and all part of the process and doesn’t mean you failed.
In general you just need to be patient, consistent in your efforts, willing to be brave and put yourself out there and willing to wait it out. Ultimately you just need to trust the process, have faith and try to enjoy the journey.
If you are offering a good product and more importantly offering good service. If you give it time and put the effort in it will work out. You just need to keep going!