#MeetTheResident: Designer & Scupltor Gareth McCullagh
Can you tell us a bit about what you do?
I design and sculpt miniature figures by hand. I mostly do subjects from history, though occasionally some fantasy or sci-fi subjects too.
What is your background in?
I trained in law and was a practising barrister for around six years. I was deeply unhappy in the profession, and came to realise I was not suited to it; I had chosen the wrong path. Leaving was both the hardest and best decision I’ve ever made.
Why did you want to start your own business?
Leaving the Bar was akin to jumping out of a burning aeroplane, but without a parachute; I was at a loss for what to do next. To tide myself over I turned my hobby of collecting and painting figures into a small business. This was meant to be temporary, but once I started sculpting the figures I just gravitated towards that. I had read a magazine article about a miniatures company that suggested that if you were a skilled painter you could probably sculpt too. So I tried and got the hang of it quickly. To some extent its all an accident, but its an illusion to try to plan everything.
What do you love most about working for yourself?
I like working with people rather than for people, if that makes sense? I’ve never been employed, only ever self-employed and I think I am too used to that now to change. Of course I am always working on commissions, but the clients generally set the task and you decide how to execute it. I enjoy collaborating but I doubt I’d thrive with someone looking over my shoulder all the time. Its nice to set your own hours and so on, but you have to be responsible to yourself, so there’s not really any room for slacking off. I think it depends on your personality, some people like fitting into a pre-existing structure and some like setting the structure. Its only problematic if you end up in the one you don’t fit into well.
What was the biggest hurdle for you starting out and how did you overcome it?
Getting clients, I suppose. I thought it would be learning the craft, because I had to teach myself how. It was a matter of getting the tools and materials and trying, because there was no one teaching it, but I took to it quickly. Now its easier with the explosion of on-line resources, though its still a pretty niche skill.
To get clients I had to contact companies and volunteer some free figures for them on a no-obligation basis. This worked quite well, and I still work for some of those initial contacts, but there were some missteps too. I answered a call for sculptors for some board game figures, which later turned out to be for a Conan the Barbarian game. I didn’t realise it was way beyond my skill level and I submitted a test sculpt. I thought it was quite good, but looking back it may have been only the 5th or 6th figure I had sculpted. I got a very polite email turning me down, with some useful pointers as to how to improve, but I was mortified.
I keep little Conan figure sitting on my computer to remind me just how unskilled I was then, and that I should keep trying to improve.
What projects are you currently working on?
Currently on the desk are lots of 17th Century Cossack and Tatar cavalry, who fought over Crimea and Ukraine, which I suppose still echoes in the present day unfortunately. I am just about to start working on Safavid Persians from the same period. Part of what I like about doing historical subjects is that I get to research periods and cultures that I otherwise would know nothing about.
How do you stay creative/inspired?
Mostly great art, whether its sculpture or illustrative. Some people get inspired by movies, but I find films frustrating because they usually get the details wrong, though I’ll admit they can be good for setting the mood. For me, seeing inspiring illustration is much better, especially if the artist manages to tell a good story in the piece. I wish I was given more concept art by clients, but usually I just have to hunt down the historical references myself.
Seeing great work from other sculptors is also inspiring, and can give you something to try to out-do.
If I am working on a particular subject I try to find music that evokes the time or culture, that helps me get into the head-space for imagining what I want sculpt, plus you end up finding unusual music you’d otherwise never had heard.
Who is your design hero?
In terms of sculpting, probably Tom Meier, who is preternaturally talented, so much so that while I admire him I don’t really attempt to emulate him. His work is so fine that it often suffers if not painted by someone as skilled as he is. Alan and Michael Perry are the sculptors I try to learn from, their work is the best balance of detail and practicality; something about their work just strikes the right balance. Sculpting is as much about deciding which details to leave out as it is which to include.
Illustration-wise, I think it would have to be Angus McBride or Nikolai Zubkov. They have similar styles that just jump off the page, and there’s a clarity to their work that makes them the sculptor’s best friend.
What piece of software/ tool/ equipment would you struggle to run your business without?
Practically it would be the colour-shaper, which is a sort of paintbrush with a rubber head instead of bristles. Without it I wouldn’t be able to get the sculpting resin to obey me, getting my first one was the difference between me succeeding and giving up in frustration.
Software-wise I think zBrush will become indispensable. I am currently learning it and will probably end up using it exclusively. Computer design and 3D printing are definitely the future in my industry, in fact they are a large part of the present. Some people regret the fact that handmade figures are gradually disappearing, but I see it as applying the same skill with a different set of tools, and there’s room for both.
What are you plans/hopes/ambitions for the future?
3D printing is the area I am putting lots of effort into currently, and I am also slowly teaching myself illustration, which is significantly harder. In terms of projects, I am quite excited about working on my own 16th century Ming Dynasty range, which will probably be a Kickstarter project. I have been collaborating with a Chinese-American friend and we’ve done a lot of research, which is to say he’s done the lion’s share of the work as he can read classical Chinese and I can’t. Once the figures are done I think we should consider publishing a book, because there is almost nothing available in English on the subject. Its quite a niche area, but I’d love to make what we’ve collated available.
Finally, your top tip for other creatives starting their own business?
I am always hesitant about giving advice because I rarely listened to it myself- to my cost. We’re all told not to put our hands on a hot stove, but most of us only learn the lesson after we’ve put our hand on the stove.
I guess if I had to give advice it might be to love what you do, but I’d assume that if you are starting your own business you’ve made it over that hurdle already. But you do have to continue that passion because you are going to encounter problems no matter what, and they are easier to face if you believe in what you are doing. If that sounds too much like a start-up cliché, then advice that’s a bit more hard-nosed would be to make sure you value your time properly, because if you don’t your clients won’t either.
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Thanks to everyone who joined us last Wednesday evening for our creative talk with the wonderful Ian Pitt founder and creative director of @mehimandherdesign
We have loads of great talks and workshops coming up over the next few months, keep an eye on our website and socials for more info!
Feb 14
We currently have 2 dedicated adjacent deskspaces available in our Cotton Court Studios £125 per calendar month all inclusive (rates, utilities, broadband) per desk or £225 for both desks. Email christine@blickstudios.org for more info or to arrange a viewing or visit our website for more info
Feb 11
Creative Skills Workshop – How to DIY your brand (and the common mistakes to avoid)
Join us on Wednesday, 12th March, for this free creative skills workshop all about branding your creative business. This workshop will be hosted by Laura Whitehouse founder of @mightyfinedesign
Hello! I run a small graphic design agency (read: one person, a dog, and lots of lovely contractors) based in Bangor. I specialise in work for arts organisations, small businesses looking to grow, and a smattering of TV and Film projects, with clients across the UK ranging from garden designers, marketers, and voiceover artists through to behemoths such as Sky, Netflix, the BBC, and Marvel.
I graduated in 2012 with a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology, not exactly, a natural path to becoming a designer, and so my relationship with design began as illicit rendezvous with internships and local theatre productions, tinkering with posters and bothering people for work. I snuck my way into a Proper Grown-Up Agency after university in 2015, and another a few years later, working with bigger fish, bigger briefs, and balancing freelance work on the side until going fully self-employed in the glorious year that was 2020.
I’m now known as Mighty Fine Design, and alongside my own skills I’ve got a little black book of talented Junior Designers, Copywriters, Marketers, Social Media Whizzes, Photographers, and Set Designers to bring jobs to life: no matter what the size.
You can find out more about Laura on her website: https://www.laurawhitehouse.com/ or Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mightyfinedesign/
Event Date(s): March 12, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 9pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, Belfast, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket! Link below and in our profile ✨️
Feb 10
�Really looking forward to Ian Pitt �@mehimandherdesign�`s talk this Wednesday evening! Just 2 tickets left which you can book for free on our website!
Feb 4
Just a few tickets left for our creative talk this Wednesday evening with Ian Pitt, founder and creative director of Me,Him& Her Design Studio!
With nearly 30 years of experience in design, Ian’s career began in the retail sector before co-founding his own studio in 2007. Over the past 18 years, Me,Him&Her has developed a reputation for its multidisciplinary approach, crafting brand identities that come to life across digital, print, and physical spaces.
Their client base spans multinational corporations (ASOS, Virgin), SME’s and startups, all with a focus on creating meaningful, engaging brand experiences. Across branding, graphics, signage, interiors, or exhibitions, the studio balances creativity with commercial impact.
In this talk, Ian will share insights from his creative journey, exploring key projects, lessons learned, and the realities of running an independent design studio — from the highs of creative freedom to the challenges he’s found running his own business.
Discover more about Ian and his work at mehimandher.com and follow the studio on Instagram at @mehimandherdesign
Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket (link below or in profile)
Feb 3
Some weekend reading part 2! Ahead of his talk for us this Wednesday
evening Ian Pitt, founder and creative director of Me,Him&Her Design
Studio has done a brilliant interview for us that you can read now on
the blog on our website link in profile or below ✨️
You can also still book a free ticket on the events page of our website!
Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket!
Feb 2
Some weekend reading! Ahead of his talk for us this Wednesday evening Ian Pitt founder and creative director of Me,Him&Her Design Studio has done a brilliant interview for us that you can read now on the blog on our website (link in profile) or over the next two days here on Instagram ✨️
You can still book a free ticket on the events page of our website!
Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket!
Feb 1
It`s the last day of January. There`s still time to reflect on your plans and ambitions for your creative practice for the year ahead. Here`s some journal prompts to help you get started!
What would the best next year look like for you in your creative practice?
What would you create, experience, and accomplish in your creative practice over the next 12 months to make it the best year of your life? Dream Big, but also include the details
Also available as downloadable Word and PDF documents on our website link in profile and below 🌼 🌸 🌻
Jan 31
Ahead of Ian Pitt, founder and creative director of Me,Him&Her`s creative talk for us next Wednesday evening, we are sharing with you some examples of his work for clients, including:
�- �Promotional work for The English National Opera gallery show “Under The Skin”
�- �Branding for the depot_ a mixed use gallery/work and event space, East London
�- �Interior work for Sony Music
�- �Branding, placemaking, and wayfinding for Leavesden Park, Watford
�- �Show catalogue for “Change Everything - Art as Protest” curated by Anthony Burrill and the depot_
- �FCUKFM. Live radio station installation broadcasting from French Connection store windows Regent Street
With nearly 30 years of experience in design, Ian’s career began in the retail sector before co-founding his own studio in 2007. Over the past 18 years, Me,Him&Her has developed a reputation for its multidisciplinary approach, crafting brand identities that come to life across digital, print, and physical spaces.
Their client base spans multinational corporations (ASOS, Virgin), SME’s and startups, all with a focus on creating meaningful, engaging brand experiences. Across branding, graphics, signage, interiors, or exhibitions, the studio balances creativity with commercial impact.
In this talk, Ian will share insights from his creative journey, exploring key projects, lessons learned, and the realities of running an independent design studio — from the highs of creative freedom to the challenges he’s found running his own business.
Discover more about Ian and his work at mehimandher.com and follow the studio on Instagram at @mehimandherdesign
��Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket!
Jan 30
We currently have 2 dedicated deskspaces available in our Cotton Court Studios £125 each per calendar month email christine@blickstudios.org for more info or to arrange a viewing or visit our website for more info!
Jan 29
As we approach the end of the first month of a new year here are some journal prompts to help you refine your creative idea by reflecting on your current creative practice over the past year.
Reflect on the area of your creative practice you have experienced the most growth this year. What have you learned, and how have you evolved in that part of your life?
What are you proud of or deeply grateful for this year in your creative practice? List everything that comes to mind big or small
You can also download the journal prompts as a PDF or Word document on the creative resources section of our website (link in profile)
Jan 28
What a miserable Sunday, but for anyone working on a new creative business idea, or looking to change their current creative business model or make some changes in their life it`s the perfect weather for staying indoors and doing some gentle reflection. We have put together some (hopefully) useful journal prompts to help you get started!
You can also download this exercise as a pdf or word document from the resources section on our website ✨️(link in profile)
Jan 26
Looking forward to our first creative talk of 2025 on Wednesday, 5th February with Ian Pitt, founder and Creative Director of the London - and Belfast-based design studio Me,Him&Her. @mehimandherdesign
With nearly 30 years of experience in design, Ian’s career began in the retail sector before co-founding his own studio in 2007. Over the past 18 years, Me,Him&Her has developed a reputation for its multidisciplinary approach, crafting brand identities that come to life across digital, print, and physical spaces.
Their client base spans multinational corporations (ASOS, Virgin), SME’s and startups, all with a focus on creating meaningful, engaging brand experiences. Across branding, graphics, signage, interiors, or exhibitions, the studio balances creativity with commercial impact.
In this talk, Ian will share insights from his creative journey, exploring key projects, lessons learned, and the realities of running an independent design studio — from the highs of creative freedom to the challenges he’s found running his own business.
Discover more about Ian and his work at mehimandher.com and follow the studio on Instagram at @mehimandherdesign
Event details:
Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Book your free ticket on our website ✨️ (link in profile)
Jan 22
Creative Skills Workshop – Branding Your Creative Business
Join us on Wednesday, 12th March, for this free creative skills workshop all about branding your creative business!
Event Date(s): March 12, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 9pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, Belfast, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Full workshop details and facilitator info coming soon!
Sign up now for your free ticket! (Link in profile)
Event Date(s): March 12, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 9pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, Belfast, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Jan 21
Blue skies & loads of light & amazing shadows in our Great Northern Street Studios on this lovely sunny Friday 💙 🌞 ☀️ 🌤
Jan 17
Great workshop yesterday in our Great Northern Street Studios on - ``creative purpose, values, vision and mission` with our Nurture Program participants @verahylands and @bethanysmillican . Many thanks to @itsaullovin founder of @yeomagazine for being our guest and sharing his thoughts and experiences!
Jan 16
We are super excited to have Ian Pitt, founder and Creative Director of the London – and Belfast-based design studio Me,Him&Her. sharing his creative story at our next Creative Talk on Wednesday 5th February!
With nearly 30 years of experience in design, Ian’s career began in the retail sector before co-founding his own studio in 2007. Over the past 18 years, Me,Him&Her has developed a reputation for its multidisciplinary approach, crafting brand identities that come to life across digital, print, and physical spaces.
Their client base spans multinational corporations (ASOS, Virgin), SME’s and startups, all with a focus on creating meaningful, engaging brand experiences. Across branding, graphics, signage, interiors, or exhibitions, the studio balances creativity with commercial impact.
In this talk, Ian will share insights from his creative journey, exploring key projects, lessons learned, and the realities of running an independent design studio — from the highs of creative freedom to the challenges he’s found running his own business.
Discover more about Ian and his work at mehimandher.com and follow the studio on Instagram at @mehimandherdesign
Event Date(s): February 5, 2025
Event Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Blick Shared Studios, 46 Hill St, BT1 2LB
Cost: Free
Sign up now for your free ticket on our website (link in profile) 🌟 🌟 🌟
Jan 14
Happy Monday from our cosy Cotton Court studios in the Cathedral Quarter where we have this lovely dedicated deskspace available immediately! £125 per calendar month all-inclusive and no VAT, email christine@blickstudios.org for more info or to arrange a viewing
Jan 13
Our next Creative Talk will be on Wednesday 5th February with a local creative sharing their story!
Speaker details coming soon!
Sign up now for your free ticket on our website (link in profile)!
Jan 10