#MeetTheResident – Joe Laverty
We got to catch up with our Hill Street resident Joe Laverty who is an Irish architectural & portrait photographer, based in Belfast. He told us about his current projects and tips on how to stay inspired!
Tell us a bit about yourself and your business?
I am a commercial photographer & sometime film-maker. I specialise in architectural & portrait photography, which often leads down other interesting paths.
Any projects you’re currently working on?
I’ve recently been taking photographs for a new pavilion in East Belfast called ‘Built East’. It was a design competition, run by the RSUA and OGU Architects have designed something beautiful, that’s been a dream to photograph. We also took portraits of some of the tradespeople involved in the project, which we are hoping to exhibit in the pavilion. I also recently took photogaphs of local cheese-maker ‘Mikes Fancy Cheese’ for a US based cheese magazine! (see ‘other interesting paths’ above..)
Can you tell us a bit about your music project that you are currently working on?
So I recently launched a new thing called ‘whisper project’. It’s a more artistic venture, where I film live music sessions for some of the incredible musicians we are lucky to have in this country. The sessions are filmed in spaces that are eitherforgotten or in flux.
What was the biggest hurdle for you starting out and how did you overcome it?
Organising time is the hardest thing for a creative self employed person! There are so many different things that need done & no-one else to do them. I’ve just got slightly better at making lists at the start and end of each day. Sometime the list looks totally overwhelming, but if you have a list, at least you can see progress as you tick tasks off it as you go.
How do you stay creative/inspired?
Related to the above, it is difficult to stay creative & inspired with so many time constraints. The main thing is not to get stuck in a rut, doing the same things repetitively – always keep your eyes open for new challenges & dedicate some time for wandering around, soaking in inspiration.
Who is your creative hero?
I’m not one for hero-worship, so I would say I’m inspired by anyone who uses their talents wisely & people who constantly challenge themselves and their audiences, be that in photography, music or anything else.
What piece of software/ tool/ equipment would you struggle to run your business without?
I’m a slave to the adobe creative suite (& their extortionate prices!) – but recently I’ve become dependent on the mobile parking phone-app. It has saved me a silly amount of time & money!
What’s your top tip/piece of advice for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
Patience. Be pragmatic about what you can achieve and when. You’re never going to walk straight into your dream jobs with your dream clients from day one, but if you keep working hard & producing the best work you can for every project, then you’ll start to realise your bigger ambitions in time.