#Meettheresident – Ray Walsh
Tell us a bit about yourself and who you work for
Hi, I’m Ray! I’m a Graphic Designer working remotely for a Design studio based in Birmingham.
Any projects you’re currently working on?
I’m working on a lot of promotional and point of sale design for a leading confectionary brand at the moment.
What was the biggest hurdle for you working remotely and how did you overcome it?
There’s a lot of great things about working remotely, but the biggest hurdle for me personally was spending so much time in the house while working from home. Moving into Blick has been a worthwhile step in getting over that hurdle, it’s great to have the option of commuting and working in Belfast city centre during the week.
How do you stay creative/inspired?
By spending time doing things that I enjoy like playing video games or exercising. Being around the right people and just participating in life also helps with inspiration.
Who is your creative hero?
I’m not sure I have a creative hero but I really admire the works of Neil Druckmann and Ken Levine.
What piece of software/ tool/ equipment would you struggle to work without?
I’d be pretty lost without the Notes app on my phone, it’s a great tool for noting down ideas on the go.
What’s your top tip/piece of advice for anyone working remotely in a creative job?
Everyone’s experience will be unique but I think it’s important to make the most of what is available to you and just enjoy your time. A quote from John Burroughs comes to mind: “The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.”
I would also recommend taking up a space at Blick if you spend long days working from home.
Where can we find you?
I’m on Instagram 🙂 my username is:
I post illustrations and passion projects on there.