Ronan Lunney – Farewell Blog
We caught up with Ronan Lunney who has recently left being a Blick Resident after being with us for 5 Years. We interviewed him on his time at Blick, what he has learnt in business and how Blick has been beneficial for him. He will also be facilitating a 4 week course on teaching people how to create a Square space website! For more information to book, visit https://blickstudios.org/events/blick-academy-squarespace-course/
If you could give a brief background of who you are and what your business is?
Ronan Lunney, self-employed Graphic Designer since 2013 and the owner of Two Digs Studio.
Who are your design heroes?
Naturally all the old school innovators especially the likes of De Stijl — all of which are crucial to understanding how design can be a logical and functional yet creative process, but my general inspiration fluctuates. My favourite studio would — still — have to be Spin, London, but I’m continually inspired by everything and anything. An example being the BSoA Graphic Design End of Year show. Always great to see what people are thinking.
What have you learnt in the last five years of being in business?
That it’s tough, empowering and a constant learning curve, but that it really is a very different and fulfilling way to live and work in comparison full-time employment. Being mainly self-employed has allowed me to work more closely to my own personal preferences and set a standard that I feel is acceptable while also personally satisfying. Being in control and continually striving for this with all clients has allowed this to become a known and appreciated trait that is mutually respected and begins to create a continuous positive design process.
What has your time been like in Blick?
Amazing! Blick is most certainly a reason as to why I have been able to continue to succeed over the past 5 years — which is not something I take for granted. The collective knowledge, inspiration and support is always available when you open up to the numerous unique creatives around you. It’s a very natural and if you let it, nurturing environment that wants you to succeed and I certainly felt it during my time there.
Have you found the space beneficial for your business?
Unbelievably beneficial for too many reasons! Personal space, professional client settings for meetings and interesting people to name a few. But the main reason would have to be that having a space that is outside of what’s familiar to you to try and do what you want to do is priceless. For some people — me included — it’s important to really realise what you’re trying to achieve and having a place to push yourself can be very rewarding.
What top tips would you give to people just starting out?
Knowledge is power. Talk to people. Everyone has insights and more people have interesting things to say than those who don’t. And to be cliché — and this is not my quote — but do good work over everything. Always.
What are your plans for the future?
To continue as I have always done, but I’m hoping that a change in environment and a more flexible work approach will help me to branch out into more creative areas. I also want to pursue many more collaborative projects going forward as I feel it can be difficult working on your own. This is something that I would like to change over this next period.