Share 6: Creating A Brand With Integrity
Our latest Share 6 event on the topic of “Creating a brand with integrity” was held at Blick, 46 Hill St. The 6 speakers came from a range of creative businesses and spoke about their personal reflections on integrity – what it is, how they’ve achieved it, how companies have succeeded or failed at retaining their integrity and how you can build integrity into your brand.
These are some of the thoughts they shared with us:
“Integrity really is that space between (brand) values and actions.” – Danni McFerran, Done & Dusted Design
“I wanted to make a difference, I believe that business should be used as a tool for good.” – Colin Mackey, Mango Street
“People spend £2-3000 on a wedding dress, they spend £5- 6-700 on an evening dress to wear once, but they’ll spend £5 on a t-shirt or a jumper or pair of jeans that they will wear everyday. I wanted them (customers) to actually spend on something beautiful, that will make everyday special.” – Sara O’Neill, Sara O’Neill Designs
“Set realistic brand ethics and morals, don’t promise the world.” – Karla McNally, Bill & Coo Paper Co.
“Don’t sacrifice your brand’s integrity for social growth” – Jane Ritchie, Search Scientist
“For me, the brand is everything. It is every interaction someone has with your business, from your website to your Instagram account, your shopping process, your packaging, your business cards and your paper stock… it is everything.” – Jason Karayiannis, Fathers Father
This event was supported by Irish Design 2015.