When side projects become so much more: Jessica Hische
Side projects are often the ideas lurking in a dusty book on your shelf, or a folder on your computer from a few years ago -and this is often where they end up because of our hectic lives. Some creatives are seeing the usefulness of making time for these projects, some have become better known because of their side projects and others have used their projects as an outlet for a different creative style, a collaboration or learned a new skill in the process. A big advocate of side projects is designer Jessica Hische who has benefited both creatively and as a business by doing them.
We posted Should I Work For Free a while ago as great resource for freelancers pressured to do free work. This was actually one of Jessica’s side projects borne from her own experiences as a freelance designer. The project that made Jessica Hische really famous though was Daily Drop Cap in which she came up with a newly designed alphabet each day (and then regularly but less often) as a free resource for non-commercial individuals and organisations.
Using different aesthetics for each letter helped her explore typography in a very creative way. She started Daily Drop Cap to keep her motivated when she first began her career as a freelancer in 2009, but what started off as a small personal project was soon featured across hundreds of blogs and probably led to this amazing collaboration with Penguin Books – you can definitely see the connection between the two. Another side project that she did mainly to be helpful in a humorous way was Mom, This is How Twitter Works to help people like her mum understand the workings of Twitter.
Whether it’s for a bit of fun, or to make something you’ve wanted to do for ages happen, start that side project today – and don’t forget to dust off those ideas for projects that perhaps aren’t your main business, but could be the things that open new doors and make your brand more known.
Also: A great & useful side project (free for students): Design Founders
Further reading: A Labor Of Love #sideprojectlove