Womenfolk Week 5: Our final week of design entrepreneur highlights in March!
We have been recapping “Womenfolk” profiles throughout March week by week. We have covered one design entrepreneur in an interview-profile each day in areas including Illustration, Architecture, Fashion, Interiors, Animation, Education & Product Design. We have covered designers in the early stages of setting up business as well as those that have been established for years and even decades! This is our recap of the last week in March -Week 5 but don’t fret – this is not the end of Womenfolk, but what we hope is just the beginning! We intend to carry this project forward throughout the year and are currently forming our plans for the next stages of it. If you have any thoughts on the project so far or on how we should take it forward, please email info@blickstudios.org
Our final 5 profile highlights for March:
- Jane McSherry Design – “Train your eye, starting with your own home, look around with a critical eye at room colours and decoration and work out what does and does not work. In time, it becomes second nature wherever you go.”
- Katherine McDonald – “Don’t even think about it – get your work out there! Don’t be scared, be confident, get on social media and start an online shop. Learn from others and use the feedback from your co-workers, clients and customers as a good process to learn from. Network and go to events.”
- NOLKA Design “Be passionate about what you do, know and understand your customer, place value on what you do/yourself and don’t be afraid to say no! ”
- ONA by Agne– ” do believe in all things natural and in the sustainability of materials and designs. I came across merino wool when I learned to felt, and after some research I found that it can be used for knitting too. The merino wool I use is sourced from Australia and Southern Africa.”
- EmMarie– “It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight so it is very important to surround yourself with positive people, people who support you.”
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