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See other eventsBlick Summer Think
An afternoon of thinking, idea sharing and development and connecting with other NI creatives. Know you want to do something creative, but you aren’t sure exactly what? Have a creative idea, but it needs a bit of work? Something to make you different and stand out from the crowd? Or maybe you just want to meet some other creatives? Come along to this free Friday afternoon session facilitated by Professor Alistair Fee to meet and work with a small group (maximum of 8) of like-minded creatives to help you develop your idea or maybe even come up with a new one.
About the workshop & facilitator Alistair Fee:
Together We Can Figure it Out.
Increase your Big Sky Thinking and Become Remarkable
Alistair Fee is a widely travelled Industrial Design Strategist. An Award Winning European Specialist in Thinking Differently.
Explorer of Creativity & Innovation in organisations of all sizes in 60 countries. Faculty Fellow at Stanford University and Business Partner at Yale Entrepreneurial Institute, he adds value to us all with interesting international perspectives.
Alistair has extensive knowledge of companies of all sizes and is involved in a wide ranging number of networks providing design innovation in Europe and beyond. He shares simple insights that will gently stretch our minds over a cuppa.
We can add 10% to our design genius when we review things in a new light.
He will liberate and augment our minds. He is engaging.
You will think differently. Be able to figure it out in new, better, creative ways.
For extra vision and some nutrition come and connect on the 4th
Refreshments provided.
Workshop Details:
Date: Friday 4th August
Time: 3.30 – 5.30pm
Venue: Blick Shared Studios, 51 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6RY
Maximum Number of Attendees: 8