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See other eventsCreative Skills Workshop – Strategic Goal Setting
The Offering:
We’ve come through the darkest part of winter, a time for hunkering down and recharging. Now, as we begin to emerge into a new spring, is a time for orienting ourselves to the new year: Where am I now? What has the past year brought me? Where do I want go?
We rarely give ourselves an opportunity to check in with where we are and move intentionally into a new season. Spring, with the sun reappearing and new life budding, is a time for ripening ideas and renewed inspiration. Too often we let this precious time slip us by. We get distracted as the year rushes in and the sprouting ideas and insights get buried in the busyness. But if we take the time we can harness that energy of renewal and put it to good use on projects aligned with what matters to us most.
For the past seven years, Stéphanie has taken time every year for personal strategy days, to draw out the lessons from the previous year and chart out an intentional route into the next, towards some strategically chosen goals. This process has helped her aim for and achieve some bold goals, such as cultivating an ongoing working relationship with UN Climate Change, bringing visual practice peers along to the annual COP climate summits, and training up multiple cohorts of visual practitioners internationally.
In recent years she has begun to share this process with others both in open workshops and 1-on-1 sessions. Now you are invited to join an in-person one-day workshop in the beautiful Blick Studios in Hill St where Stéphanie is an artist resident. If you feel in need of some time for yourself this spring to pause, take stock of where you are and plot out some next steps that align with your needs and values…. And if you want some structure, guidance and companionship to do it, join us!
The Methodology:
The methodology we’ll use is called backcasting – a tool Stéphanie learned during her MSc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability in Karlskrona, Sweden. It’s been adapted it for personal strategic discernment, and – of course – use visual thinking tools from Stéphanie’s work as a seasoned visual facilitator aplenty to make the process and outcomes come alive.
Over the course of two half days together, we’ll go through the four steps of backcasting:
A – Looking forward
B – Looking back
C – Brainstorming
D – Strategic Prioritisation
We’ll use a combination of shared visual harvesting and dialogic exercises, as well as time to stretch, get out there and do some solo work. This methodology, when done in this way and with reflection partners, will help you
Uncover the creative tension between your status quo and personal vision, and let it pull you into the new year with purpose and direction
The Facilitator:
Stéphanie Heckman is a visual practitioner working internationally to visually support organisations working to progress climate action, peace and reconciliation and leadership development. She says about the Strategic Goal Setting process:
“I credit this process for the steep trajectory my visual practice career has been on – going from being a jobless stranded foreigner to a well-established visual practitioner with a transformed relationship to my own work, collaborating with the UN and training up my own colleagues, all within five years. It’s given me confidence and focus to aim high, and hit!”
– Stéphanie
Register To Attend:
Workshop fully booked. To join the waiting list email christine@blickstudios.org