Getting To Know Yourself Journal Prompts
Better understanding yourself as a person, what drives and motivates you, your hopes and dreams, strengths and weaknesses, will help you define your creative idea. It will steer you to an idea that makes you happy and fulfilled and fits with your life, your goals and your aspirations.
Below are some prompts for you to explore to help you make the right decisions for you. Not just the easy or expected choices, but ones that really make you come alive and help you create the life that you really want.
● What do you most like to do?
● What makes you come alive?
● Are you living the life that you want?
● If not, what do you need to change?
● What is your dream life and lifestyle?
● Are you earning the money you need to live your dream life?
● What do you think are your strengths?
● What do you think you could work on?
● What skills would you like to develop?
● How would you like to challenge yourself?
● What would you most like to achieve in life?
● If you were to look back on your life, what would you most regret not doing?
You can also download the exercise as a PDF or Word document below
Refining Your Creative Idea: Getting To Know Yourself Journal Prompts
Downloadable PDF and Word versions of the ‘Getting To Know Yourself Journal Prompts’